
welcome to my academia hub! this is a space for me to not only share my own works and creations, but also those that i have found to particularly resonate with me and my experiences, both as a consumer and as an individual in the world. generally, i would suggest traversing the contents this page links to with caution, as academia often delves into more uncomfortable subject matter (especially where my interests in particular lie) and i don't want anyone getting hurt or upset!

my works

men, women, and paint cans: a reading of better watch out through the lens of her body, himself

please note that my better watch out essay contains multiple discussions of rape and sexual assault, violence and gore, sexuality, violence specifically against women, and similar themes along those lines. i would suggest that only people above the age of eighteen read this due to the heavy graphic content discussed throughout the essay. but, still, this is a complete labour of love for this film. i adore better watch out very greatly, and discussing it at length like this is the greatest justice i can do it. also, if you would prefer to read it with none of my site's aesthetic stylization over on google drive, that link is right here!

other works